Meeting documents

SSDC Area North Committee
Wednesday, 24th January, 2018 2.00 pm

  • Meeting of Area North Committee, Wednesday 24th January 2018 2.00 pm (Item 111.)


Proposal: Change of use of land, stationing of a log cabin and two shepherds huts for holiday let.


The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda. He noted that wording in brackets at the end of the last sentence above the Conclusion, had been included in error and was only a note for the author when writing report.


Mr C Miller, agent, noted that effectively temporary permission was controlled by condition 4. He felt there was high prospect that the proposed holiday units would succeed, and that the proposed usage would help with the security of the site and maintenance of the holding. He also highlighted that similar schemes had been granted elsewhere in the district.


Ward member, Councillor Sylvia Seal, commented that when the parish council had considered the application, many people had attended with their concerns. She noted it was a very narrow lane to the site in a very rural location, and the local community were concerned about the increase in traffic. There was plenty of other accommodation already available nearby and local knowledge was contrary to the officer report, and indicated the area did flood. She raised concern about the drainage arrangements and the report referring to measures that could be taken if the arrangements proved to be inadequate. There were local fears that the site might expand if conditions were not complied with, and the parish council had asked that if approved, that only a three or five year permission be granted. She felt the site was inappropriate for this application.


During discussion the officers responded to points of detail. Comments raised by members included:

·         Could the style and type of log cabin and huts be enforced satisfactorily by condition in order to prevent a standard mobile home and two touring caravans being placed on the site.

·         This is a local beauty spot and historical area.

·         There needs to be a requirement to clear the site of all paraphernalia otherwise it won’t be suitable for a holiday base.

·         If approved, permission should be time limited.

·         Query why there were no comments from Economic Development as the proposal seemed to be a diversification venture?

·         Fear log cabin may become a permanent home to the site manager, as it’s difficult to run a business like this without being on site.

·         Feel there are issues with highways and flooding. Site will take a lot of resource to monitor.

·         Concerned about drainage proposals, could be 7 or 8 people on the site and possibly only one septic tank, on what could be a waterlogged site.


At the end of discussion it was proposed and seconded to refuse the application, contrary to the officer recommendation, on the grounds of scale, layout and materials not respecting the local area. On being put to the vote, the proposal to refuse the application was carried unanimously.



That planning application 17/04124/FUL be REFUSED, contrary to the officer recommendation, for the following reason:




The proposal, by reason of its scale, layout and materials, fails to respect the rural character, appearance and general amenity of the area, and is therefore considered to be unacceptable in this location, contrary to the aims and objectives the NPPF and Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


(Voting: Unanimous in favour of refusal.)

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